Last weekend I got the opportunity to visit my old school at my home town, Sabak Benam. I snapped few pictures and share them here with others. During that time the most popular transport for us to go to school is by bicycle. There was no school bus at that time. For the younger ones, they were sent by parents using bicycle or motorcycle.

I was studying at SKST or Sekolah Kebangsaan Sungai Tengar for my elementary education from 1976 to 1980. It had just 313 students in 1980 while I was in Standard (Year) Six. Most of the Years / Standards only had two classes. I forgot already who was the headmaster. I had very fun memory of my final year at the school. I was the assistant head prefect. I played for my school in most sports especially football where we represented our zone to the district tournament held in Sungai Besar. I was the striker along with my friend, Saudi Fakeh. During the "kalah mati" district tournament, my school lost to SK Lubuk Pusing in the morning. In the afternoon, we played againts SK Batu 38 who lost to SK Simpang Lima earlier. We won and thus we were third. And I still remember we got just "white singlet" for that.
The above school building was basically new during my years. There was a "papan" building in front of the court where I noticed had been demolished. From Standards 1 until Standards 4, my classes were in the then "papan" building. Let's see if I can remember my teachers. Cikgu Zainab, Cikgu Mad Bashir, Cikgu Ghani, Cikgu Norsiah, Cikgu Zailani, Cikgu Mohd Noh, and Cikgu Mohd Noor Kundor. My classes were in the above building when I was in Standards 5 and 6. The teachers? Cikgu Shamsiah, the English teacher who had motivated me to improve and make me the best student for English subject in my Penilaian Darjah 5. I got B. Then Cikgu Mahfud, Cikgu Fatimah, Cikgu Jaimah(?), and Ustazah Rohani. Our footbal coaches? Not other than Cikgu Ku Ahmad and Cikgu Abdul Rahman. Do I miss some names?
We used to play football on the above field. Even we would play during the hot afternoon at around 2:00 o'clock 6-players a side while waiting for the Scouts activities. The scouts member was only 12 persons - 6 of my batch, and the other 6 of my senior batch. I was the scout leader for my batch. My other gang were Rozaini, Hasrin, Bahrain, Zulkifli and mmm ? forgot one. As I remember, my batch won more games than our senior batch.

The canteen seems not much change. Just the color. My pocket money during those days was only 30 cents. Do you believe it?

I don't recall whether we had a "surau" then like the above picture. I don't think so. Also the below computer lab and "wakaf".
Maybe my old classmates can chip in. Mokhzir, Zul Wahijan, Saudi, Cikgu Rozaini and others.
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