It is very encouraging to have two more local chess blogs in the net. GiLoCatur is honoured to be invited as a contributor, as well as a consultant, in one of the blogs. The two blog are :

The SIFU.mycatur blog is created and maintained by Encik Abdul Latif Mohamad, one of Malaysian IAs (International Arbiter). The effort is tremendous and very good to our local chess industry since he is very experienced and knowledgable especially in organizing and arbitering chess tournaments. Moreover, he can offer a venue i.e. KL Braille Training Center for any chess tournament. So check out his blog at

It is very common scenario in most schools in Malaysia where not many school chess club teachers are very supportive to their chess-loving pupils. GiLoCatur urges to all school chess club teachers in Malaysia to provide a very strong support like having chess sets and digital clocks, providing chess coaching and training, and providing chess news, infos and tournaments to their pupils to help chess development in the country. With such efforts Malaysia will have bright future in chess and can be dominant in world chess like Vietnam and Philippine where they have many GrandMasters (GM). A salute to all determined and suportive teachers to chess in Malaysia.
For the two new bloggers in the block, AL and Nabil, GiLoCatur says Welcome Aboard! Hope they can be a very consistant bloggers where their blogs are always updated. For all local chess lovers, let's support their blogs by visiting them and providing positive feedbacks.
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