Round 7 Results
All the games on the top three boards drew. It means that the two leaders from Vietnam are just half point in front of six (6) players with 5/7 points. So, the tournament is still open whereby anyone of the eight players have the chance to be the champion.
As for the Malaysian players, their respective opponents are too strong for both Edward Lee and Jianwen. Edward was defeated by a pinoy IM, Richard Bitoon, while Jianwen had to bow to Singaporean CM Neubronner. The same goes to Li Ting where she had to accept her defeat to a Sri Lankan chess player.
But it was a sweet victory for Abdul Haq and Haslindah. The unrated Abdul Haq won againts 1947-rated opponent while Haslindah defeated her higher-rated lady opponent. Whereas the unrated Najib managed to win againts experienced countryman, Ismail Ahmad.

Round 8 Pairing
Tomorrow morning session will be interesting especially on the top four boards. Because the champion for this tournament will come from these boards. Can both FM Syarif Mahmud and FM Pak Yevgeniy stop the two leaders from Vietnam? Or would it be GM Marat and GM Susanto take the lead? Or perhaps IM Irwanto and FM Daniel Chan will be in the limelight? GiLoCatur is eager to know and can not wait the results of the tomorrow's morning session games.
As for most of the Malaysian players still can achieve something. Three unrated players - an arbiter (Najib), a NWM (Li Ting) and Abdul Haq, will get FIDE ratings. Li Ting have played 7 rated players so far and will meet another rated player tomorrow morning. She has scored 2 and 1/2 points with tournament rating of 1941. As what GiLoCatur understands, Li Ting would earn a FIDE rating in this tournament. Checking at FIDE website, she had 3 games so far with one win while playing the AmBank Challenge last year.
As for both Abdul Haq and Najib, they both have played againts six (6) rated players and scored 2 and 1/2 points. They might be not earning the FIDE rating yet in this tournament since not played nine (9) rated players. The most would be only eight because they meet each other in Round 6.
As for both Edward Lee and Jianwen, after Round 7, their rating performance in this tournament is higher that their respective current FIDE rating. They need to maintain such performance until the last round so that their FIDE rating can increase. It would be an achievement for these young lads in pursuing their chess ambition.
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