Mr Jacky Ong and his wife and son, Ong Wei Bin.
GiLoCatur gives a salute to Mr Ong and his family who came all the way from JB to Shah Alam just to participate in the Ole Ole Shah Alam Chess Open. The purpose of the journey is to provide exposure to his only son, Ong Wei Bin, to chess tournament. Since there are not many chess tournaments for his son in their hometown, he has to bring his son to the Klang Valley to play in chess tournaments. His son was the champion in his district this year but could not manage to represent Johor in the MSSM yet.
(GiLoCatur hopes such effort can be an eye opener to other parents especially in the Klang Valley to bring their children to chess tournaments. This kind of effort by Malaysian parents that will become the pillar to the success and excellence of Malaysian youngsters in sports.)
His son managed to get into the winners list in the tournament. On Sunday, they continued to travel north to Tanjung Karang. Mr Ong did not play during the Ole Ole tournament on Saturday. In Tanjung Karang, he joined the tournament. According to him, he did represent Johor in the MSSM during his school days. But he stops playing in chess tournament after that.
Eventhough he had not been playing in chess tournament, Mr Ong still has the skills and touch. He won the first three rounds after being stopped by Syakir in the fourth round. In the first and second rounds, he defeated Girls Under 12 MSS Selangor teammates, Anis Fariha and Puteri Rifqah. Whereas he defeated Shahruddin Hashim in the third round. Cikgu Zullkafli was his another victim in the fifth round before losing to both Boys Under 12 MSS Selangor players, Irfan Haqqim and Roshan. With 4 points, Mr Ong won Best Veteran category.
Ong junior played quite OK in the tournament. He lost both games to Anis Fariha in the Ole Ole and Tanjung Karang tournaments. Ong Wei Bin who accumulated 4 points in the Tanjung Karang Open was one of the winners for Under 12 category. He also lost to Roshan Singh. Surely, he will learn and gain experience and new moves during the tournaments. Best of luck to Ong Wei Bin especially in the MSSM next year. GiLoCatur hopes he will be one of Malaysian future chess masters with the support of his father and mother. And GiLoCatur hopes to see them again in many more other chess tournaments.
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