The above picture taken from here
Firey_Rook papparazied GiLoCatur and had taken the above picture. The young and energetic man standing beside GiLoCatur is non other than Sharil Izam Bin Muara, the president of 2009/2010 UPSI Chess Club. Syabas and tahniah to him and his hardworking crew members for the successful 3rd UPSI Chess Open.
More UPSI Chess Open pictures can be viewed here from the camera of Mr Firey_Rook.

GiLoCatur with new shirt blogging at UPSI Tanjung Malim.
Since GiLoCatur did not participate in the tournament, beside monitoring the children GiLoCatur was blogging about the chess tournament. The internet connection was very very poor in the afternoon. Hence, GiLoCatur could not update and blog about the tournament.

The beauty of chess is that it does not bother about age. In the above picture, 10-year old WFM Nur Najiha was competing againts 40+ Kamaluddin Yusuf. It was in the fifth round.

GiLoCatur had a couple of games with Shamsudin Sabri aka Firey_Rook during his round break.
The last game was stopped as the above position since the next round was going to start. Whose position is winning? What white should move next?

GiLoCatur is hoping that the nearby schools which were participating should organize chess tournaments and workshops at their schools. Or maybe UPSI Chess Club can conduct chess friendlies or chess tournaments with these schools. Surely by having regular chess tournaments and activities, many more chess talents will emerge from the district.

GiLoCatur is not sure from which school the above Indian / Singh boys are from. Based on the players pairing list, GiLoCatur believes they are Singh brothers - Rajdev and Jagedr. Beside them, Alvin Dass a/l Arokianathan and Suganyaanair were also playing in the Secondary School category. If they or anyone knows about them read this blog entry, please provide GiLoCatur more info.
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