Round 4 is in progress. It started sharp at 8.30am. Below is the leaders for each categories.

Open Category
The players on the top six boards had won all their three previous rounds. The defending champion and the top seed, Ian Udani, is challenged by Ahmad Fadzil Nayan of UIA on the 1st board. Can Fadzil, a Perakian, who plays white win to stop Ian on his mission to be the champion? Ian Udani is unstoppable. He defeated Fadzil Nayan.
Another Perakian, Mark Siew plays black on the 2nd board againts the National Master Evan Timothy Capel of Penang. (Mark Siew managed to win this game). WCM Nur Nabila AH who will represent Malaysia in the APSSO meet in Jakarta and World Youth in Turkey is competing againts the fourth seed, Abdullah Che Hassan on the 3rd board. The 12-year-old Nabila won the game.
On the fourth board, Sahir Sarifdin of 17ChessClub, will challenge NM Kamal Arifin Wahiduddin. Surely, all Sahir's 17ChessClub buddies are hoping and praying that he will cruise all the way to achieve the best results in this UPSI Chess Open. (Unfortunately, Sahir could not manage to win againts the experienced NM Kamal Arifin). UPSI Chess Club president, Zarul Shafiq the son of Cikgu Zull and Cikgu Sofi is being challenged by the 13th seed on the fifth, Wan Mohd Fazli Wan Nawawi. The last perfect scorer pair is between Ibrahim Ahmad and Muhd Nabil AH, the elder brother of WCM Nabila. They are playing on the 6th board. Both Zarul Shafiq and Muhd Nabil cruised to the next round after winning their respective games.

Fikri (left on white shirt) versus Syakir Shazmeer, the leader of the pack.
Secondary School Category
Eleven players, mostly the top seeds, in this category have won all their three rounds so far.
1st board : Fikri Saleh vs Muhd Syakir Shazmeer Azhar MS (0 - 1)
2nd board : Keok Kai En vs Muhd Faris Aminudin (1 - 0)
3rd board : Teh De Jack vs Amira Syahmina Zullkafli (1 - 0)
4th board : Lim Kong Hui vs Ooi Boon Hao (1 - 0)
5th board : Kyle Chan Wei Ren vs Lim Chuin Khai (0 - 1)
6th board : P'ng Ren Chi vs Tang Kar Khai (1 - 0)
Primary School Category
Six players, the top three boards, in this category have full three points so far while other six players including the top two seeds have 2 and 1/2 points.
1st board : Lim Winsen vs Amier Hamzah Mohd Zuhri (1/2 - 1/2)
2nd board : Teh De Juan vs Teh De Zen (1/2 - 1/2)
3rd board : Kelly Lim Pei Ying vs Puteri Munajjah Az Zahra Azhar MS (1/2 - 1/2)
4th board : Muhammad Arif Fahmi vs Mihd Irfan Haqqim Azhar MS (0 - 1)
5th board : Puteri Rifqah vs Andrei Cheong Kai Bin (1 - 0)
6th board : Tang Wei Kit vs Anis Fariha Saleh (1 - 0)

Three dedicated chess moms who are also teachers. Their children were and are MSS Selangor chess players. One of them, Cikgu Sofi is the mother of a National Master (NM) and National Woman Master (NWM) while Cikgu Zaza is the mother of a WFM (Woman Fide Master) and WCM (Woman Candidate Master). GiLoCatur hopes many more Malaysian mothers and teachers follow their suit and journey in developing and teaching their children CHESS.
GiLoCatur also got a chance to have a 10-minute chit chat with Mr Teh of Penang, a dedicated chess parent too. Thank you to him for visiting this blog and his generous advise.
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