D'Vista Hotel, Sungai Petani
Contact : 04-425 1111 for booking arrangement.
( picture from this blog )
Good news especially to the chess players in the northern region. A chess tournament will be held on 17 January 2010, Sunday. Nearly RM 4,000 in prizes for the winners. RM 1,000 for the Open category champion and RM 200 for the U12 Section champion. The tournament is in celebration of the Kedah Sultan's Birthday.
Organizer : Jaffolea Chess ClubDate : 17 January 2010Day : SundayVenue : D'Vista Hotel, Jalan Kg Baru, Sungai Petani, Kedah
[ GiLoCatur : Got a sms from Sergeant Ismail Ahmad today to remind the following - 1) This tournament is a National-rated event. That's a good news and good value folks! 2) SMS your full name and latest National ratings to Tuan Haji Yahaya Ahmad at 013-451 7585 or Cikgu Ahmad Fuad at 019-420 8436. 3) Room rate at D'Vista Hotel from RM 78 (Standard) to RM 150 (Family). 5 Jan 2010, 1.30am ]

GiLoCatur loves to bring the family to the tournament. But the distance is quite far, maybe about 1000 kilometers two ways. The travel plus the tournament surely makes GiLoCatur and the kids very tired. Furthermore, a couple of days after that MSSD (Petaling Perdana District) Chess tournament will be held. But let's see. Who knows maybe GiLoCatur and family will participate.
For GiLoCatur, a motivation to play in far away chess tournaments like this is travelogue or "Cuti-Cuti Malaysia". GiLoCatur is quite familiar with Sungai Petani because used to outstation there many years in the past. GiLoCatur used to stay at Novotel Hotel.
What interesting places can be visited in Sungai Petani? Maybe all readers who are staying and very familiar with Sungai Petani can provide info about it. Like Where to eat? What to do?
In a couple of days, GiLoCatur will provide the link here for the above. So, come on people in Sungai Petani or Kedah, let's promote it!
[ GiLoCatur nak-nak sangat bawak bebudak pi main kat Sungai Petani ni. Tapi jauh sesangat. Nak kena travel lebih kurang 1000 kilometer pulang balik. Letih nak drive tu. Bebudak sure letih dalam perjalanan, ditambah pulak bermain catur. Apatah lagi pertandingan catur MSS peringkat daerah akan berlansung beberapa hari kemudian.
Bagi GiLoCatur, salah satu motivasi untuk menyertai pertandingan catur yang jauh-jauh sebegini ialah Travelog atau "Cuti-Cuti Malaysia". Tetapi mana tahu, sampai jua GiLoCatur sekeluarga ke Sungai Petani untuk pertandingan catur ini.
Dulu biasa gak GiLoCatur outstation di Sungai Petani ni. Tapi dah lama dululah. Selalunya GiLoCatur bermalam di Hotel Novotel yang dekat plaza tol tu. Kat Taman Sejati kalau tak silap.
Tapi GiLoCatur tidaklah pergi ke tempat-tempat menarik atau "tourist spots". Sebab kekangan masa untuk bekerja. Sebab tak tahu sangat pun nak pi mana. Kemudahan internet pun bukannya macam sekarang.
Tempat apa yang menarik untuk dilawati? Mana nak pi makan? Apa keistimewaan Sungai Petani? Jadi, kepada orang-orang Sungai Petani, inilah masa nak promote!!
GiLoCatur ada gak jumpa link tersebut. Tapi tak mau nak paste dulu. Nak tunggu orang-orang Sungai Petani kasik tahu. He he he ... ]
GiLoCatur : saja entry ni dwibahasa. Bahasa Inggeris untuk foreigners, Bahasa Melayu pulak for the Malaysians all over the world.
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