Today is 1st APRIL. Everyone knows that right? So, why GiLoCatur wants to talk about it? It is the first day of this month. For GiLoCatur, the month of April is very special. Because it is in this month that GiLoCatur was born 42 years ago. In a street called "Jalan Sultan", in a village called "Sungai Tengar", in a district named Sabak Bernam which is situated in the northern part of Selangor.
Besides that the date is also very famous as "The APRIL FOOL". GiLoCatur believes many know about it. Even some will do hoaxes and prank acts to their friends and family. Many events occurred on 1st April. Do you know that Google officially launched GMAIL to the public on this date six years ago? Check out this link if you want to know what else happened and occurred on 1st April.
By the way, GiLoCatur surely will be full in APRIL,
The kids will participate in the MSS chess tournament held in this month. Both Anis and her younger brother, Fahim, will be playing in the primary school section at SK Seksyen 9 on 7th and 8th. While their elder brother, Fikri, will begin his MSS quest on next Monday, the 5th day. He will battle on the chess board for two days. On Sunday before, his school will hold a sports event, if not mistaken, at the Matsushita Stadium.
Then, if they manage to represent Petaling Perdana in the state-level championship, they will be in Sabak Bernam between 13th and 15th. Last year both Fikri and Anis played in the MSS Negeri Selangor chess championship in Sepang.
What else? There will be back-to-back chess tournaments in Shah Alam. Next week on Saturday (10th), UiTM will organize a chess rapid tourney at its Melati College. Then, on the following Sunday (18th) a chess tournament will be held in Section 31. The tournament is known as "Pertandingan Piala Catur MPP Zon Selatan Shah Alam".
In this month also an international-standard chess tournament will be held in this country where few super GMs like Hou Yifan and Mchedlishvili Mikheil will participate. The 9-round tournament is known as The KL Open (3rd edition). The first round of the tournament will be played exactly on GiLoCatur's birthday.
Immediately after the tournament, another international-standard tourney might be held. The tournament will include only titled players of both sexes - GMs, IMs, WGMs and WIMs. It would be another week of high quality chess.
SO, SELAMAT DATANG BULAN APRIL! or welcome the month of APRIL.
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