Fikri playing againts Shreyes, the eventual champion on the first board.
Rd Tbl
1 5 Fikri Saleh vs Aina Farzana Azemin (0-1)
2 23 Saiful Amirul Syafik vs Fikri Saleh (0-1)
3 14 Fikri Saleh vs Nur Huda Yasmin (1-0)
4 8 Thasvindran Surendren vs Fikri Saleh (0-1)
5 5 Fikri Saleh vs Qistina Johari (1-0)
6 3 Mohd Noor Azam vs Fikri Saleh (0-1)
7 1 Fikri Saleh vs Shreyes Subramaniam (0-1)
Winning 5 games in a tournament in local chess tournament especially in Under 12 category normally will entitle a chess player in the Top 10 spot. But in this tournament, Fikri just managed to get 11th place. Such is an indicator how competetive the Kuala Langat Chess Tournament is.
One of the reasons is because Fikri was defeated by schoolmate, Aina Farzana, as early as in the first round. And in the last and important round, Fikri could not win againts Shreyes where had he win it he will be in the Top Three spot.

Anis was playing againts Nuriman Yahaya from Kedah.
Rd Tbl
1 15 Nur Nabila Ahmad Pandi [1235] vs Anis Fariha (0-1)
2 21 Anis Fariha vs Harith Abd Rahman [1186] (1-0)
3 10 Muhd Nuriman Yahaya [1191] vs Anis Fariha (1-0)
4 19 Nur Hazimah Sudiro [1181] vs Anis Fariha (0-1)
5 12 Anis Fariha vs Farah Amirah Farizal [1230] (0-1)
6 14 Anis Fariha vs Qistina Johari [1193] (0-1)
7 24 Muhd Haziq Ahnaf [1136] vs Anis Fariha (1-0)
Anis started the tournament convincingly when he won two in a row. But in the third round, she was defeated by Nuriman Yahaya from Jaffolea Chess Club of Kedah. She won the next round but lost all three after that to higher-rated players.
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