GiLoCatur is very happy when many have responded to link chess and schools by the Malaysian chess community. In other words, chess events will be held in schools. If USA has chess-in-schools (CIS) program, so Malaysia is beginning to have chess tourneys-in-schools events. SJ(C)K Kepong is one of the Malaysian schools that is very active to have chess tournaments. SMK Seri Putera just had one last week. Now, two more schools will hold chess tournaments this year. The two schools are MRSM Merbok in Kedah and SMK Seri Kenangan in Segamat, Johor. The latter in fact will hold four chess tournaments in a grand prix format. By having chess tournaments in schools, chess can be promoted and developed at the grass roots. More and more school children can participate and involve in chess. Let's support this and kudos to all who bring chess to schools. GiLoCatur hopes more and more schools will be involved in chess, more and more school chess clubs will be active and more and more teachers exposed to chess.

Date : 20 Feb 2010, Saturday
Organized jointly by : MRSM Merbok & Jaffolea Chess Cub
Venue : Dewan Serbaguna (Multi-purpose hall) MRSM Merbok
Format : G/30 (30 minute time control), 6 Swiss System rounds
The fees : Open (RM 10), Secondary school students (RM 5), Primary school students (RM 3) - pay on the tournament day. Limited to the first 200 participants ONLY!
[ GiLoCatur applauds and congratulates the organizers for having cheap fees. Hopefully, it will attract more players. GiLoCatur also hopes that the organizers will approach and send the flyer to all nearby schools and PPD. ]
The Schedule
0800 - 0915 : Pendaftaran (registration)
0915 - 0930 : Taklimat Pertandingan (tournament briefing)
0930 – 1030 : Pusingan Pertama (Round 1)
1045 – 1145 : Pusingan Kedua (Round 2)
1200 - 1300 : Pusingan Ketiga (Round 3)
1300 – 1400 : Rehat (Rest)
1400 –1500 : Pusingan Keempat (Round 4)
1515 – 1615 : Pusingan Kelima (Round 5)
1630 – 1730 : Pusingan Keenam (Round 6)
1745 – 1800 : Majlis Penyampaian Hadiah & Penutupan Kejohanan (prize giving and closing ceremony)
Registration Closing Date : 19 Feb 2010. Please sms to Cikgu Putra at 0176263768 or0132809176.
For further details like the prizes check out the school's website here or email
[ GiLoCatur hopes this tournament is a national-rated event. Just pay a sum of fee and submit the tournament results to IA Lim Tse Pin, the official for national rating.
What is MRSM actually? How many MRSM schools in Malaysia or Kedah state besides MRSM Merbok? What are they? If you wonder about these questions, go to wikipedia link here. ]

Dates :
1) 6 & 7 Mar 2010 - 1st leg
2) 3 & 4 Apr 2010 - 2nd leg
3) 8 & 9 May 2010 - 3rd leg
4) 3 & 4 Jul 2010 - Grand Final
Organized jointly by : SMK Seri Kenangan Segamat, MSSKL Event Management & MCF
Venue : Dewan SMK Seri Kenangan Segamat JOHOR
Format : G/45 (45 minute time control), 7 Swiss System rounds
Points (actual scores) accumulated from each leg will be used as the basis for qualifying for the Grand Finals, where the top 10 in each section will be given free entry and the top 25 overall finishers* in each section will be given priority in participation.
*The organizers reserves discretion in modifying the number of qualifiers.
The Schedule
09:00-10:30 Final Registration
11:00-12:30 Round 1
13:30-15:00 Round 2
15:30-17:00 Round 3
09:00-10:30 Round 4
11:00-12:30 Round 5
13:30-15:00 Round 6
15:30-17:00 Round 7
17:30-18:00 Closing & Prize Giving
Categories : 1) Open 2) Junior i.e. Under 18 3) Kids i.e. Under 12
The prizes
The total is RM 7,860.

(All the prizes are in Malaysian Ringgit or MYR)
All participants will be given certificate. The winners will get winning certificates too.
The fees : Open (RM 30), Junior (RM 20), Kids (M 15) - pay three days before each leg. Penalty for late payment. Guaranteed the first 300 participants ONLY! So, pre-register early!! The organizers reserve the rights to accept and reject entries.
How to make payment ? Please make payment to the following account.
Am Islamic Bank Berhad, Cawangan Sentul, Jalan Sentul, 51100 KualaLumpur
Account Number: 227 20 2 200 2489
Contact HP: 010-9634258, or email for the registration form or further inquiry.
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