Uptown Shah Alam facebook.

To all Shah Alam residents and the nearby areas, Uptown Shah Alam is organizing a 15-minute (G/15) rapid chess tournament. Uptown Shah Alam that is located in Section 24 is a popular night shopping venue. The business starts from 8.00pm until 3.00am. Lots of cheap daily goods are sold by various traders. Many events to promote Uptown Shah Alam have been organized. Check out its facebook as the above link for more photos an stories. So, now it's time for a chess event. GiLoCatur knows that many traders and sellers at Uptown Shah Alam are into chess. Below are the details of the event.
What ? : A chess tournament with the format of 15-minute time control per side and 6 or 7 rounds of Swiss System.
When ? : 20 Feb 2010, Saturday night (malam minggu), 9.00 pm - 3.00am
Where ? : Uptown Shah Alam, Muhibbah Complex (Kompleks Muhibbah), Section 24, Shah Alam [ "berbumbung"]
How to register ? sms or email to Azwan - 0192788471, Suhairi - 0123631591 / suhairihussin@yahoo.com, GiLoCatur - sabdlati@gmail.com
The prizes : RM 1,000 in total + 18 hampers including 8 "hadiah sampingan"
(GiLoCatur was told that the champion will receive RM 300 + hamper.)
Top Ten
1st - RM 300 + hamper
2nd - RM 150 + hamper
3rd - RM 100 + hamper
4th - RM 90 + hamper
5th - RM 80 + hamper
6th - RM 70 + hamper
7th - RM 60 + hamper
8- 10th - RM 50 + hamper
Best Categories - Hampers
- Best lady - must be above 12 years old.
- Best Veteran - above 40 years old (GiLoCatur is eligible for this category :)- )
- Best Under 12 both girl & boy
- Best Under 18,
- Best rating Under 1200, Under 1400 & Under 1600
The fees ? : RM 20 for adults (above 17 years old), RM 15 for Under 17 years old
The playing schedule :
Round 1 - 9 pm - 9.30pm
Round 2 - 9.35 pm - 10.05 pm
Round 3 - 10.10 pm - 10.40 pm
Round 4 - 10.45 pm - 11.15 pm
Round 5 - 11.20 pm - 11.50 pm
Round 6 - 11.55 pm - 12.25 am
Round 7 - 12.25 am - 12.55 am
prize giving : 1.10 am
Extra info
1) The tournament is ONLY for Under 1800 national ratings or unrated players.
2) Certification is ONLY for Under 17 participants
3) Payment can be done by depositing the fees into Maybank account of Azwan Abdul Rahman - 164249-001447.
4) The closing date - 18 Feb 2010, Thursday, No late registration. So, Hurry up! "Cepat Cepat Cepat"
5) Limited entry to ONLY 64 participants, so please register early!
6) The tournament will start at 9.00pm.
7) Minuman ringan disediakan oleh pihak penganjur. (The organizer provides refreshment.)
source : Cikgu Suhairi
Uptown Shah Alam dah start organize chess tournament. Macam mana pulak dengan Uptown Damansara? GiLoCatur ada mengenali beberapa orang peniaga dari Uptown Damansara di beberapa pertandingan catur seperti Terbuka Tanjung Karang dan Terbuka De Laguna Park tahun lepas. Mereka memang minat bermain catur. Sanggup datang tournament walaupun kurang tidur. Ini membuktikan ramai peminat2 dan chess fanatics (gilocatur) di kalangan masyarakat kita dari pelbagai lapisan masyarakat. Pihak-pihak yang berkenaan perlu "outreach" mereka ini.
Jika anda ingin berkongsi info ini dengan rakan2 atau sahabat handai sila emelkan entry ini kepada mereka, atau boleh juga download jpeg info pertandingan dari sini untuk diprint.
dikemaskini : 9 feb10, 8.45pm
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