What's going in ASEAN chess event? A chess tournament is currently on-going in Vietnam beginning last 2nd December until 8th. The name of the tournament is the second Dragon Capital Vietnam Chess Open.
Why should we the Malaysians want to follow the event? Firstly, as chess followers any chess tournament especially near the region will be followed. Secondly, Malaysian players are participating in the pursuit of a GM norm and title. Two Malaysian elite chess players who are IMs - Mas Hafizulhelmi and Lim Yee Weng, are participating. They bring the country's hope and dream to have a GrandMaster (GM). They are among 38 players registered for the tournament.
(picture from Kelab Catur Setia Kuantan blog)

In the first round, IM Mas played white on Table #9 against Vo Dai Hoai Duc from Vietnam and won. Unfortunately, IM Yee Weng who was paired against lower-rated Dang Hoang Son playing black could not get his first point.

In the second round, Yee Weng put aside his sympathy to a Woman International Master from Vietnam, Bui Kim Le to win his first point. It is a bit sad that Mas had to draw with his much lower-rated opponent, Nguyen Minh Tuan on Table #7.

So, who are our heroes opponents in the third round? IM Mas will play white to face a Vietnamese GM, Nguyen Anh Dung. Their Elo ratings is about equal, not much different. While Yee Weng will play black against a Fide Master from Vietnam.
BEST OF LUCK! IM MAS & IM YEE WENG ... play hard for your dream and mission! We, the Malaysians, will always pray for your success.
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