R1 pairings - the Boys (Open) category
Yeap Eng Chiam who just defeated a 2400+ International Master few days ago in the Singapore Chess Festival is the top seed. Can he lives up to the expectation to cruise through the nine rounds to be the champion? Surely he needs to beat his tough and challenging opponents like Sumant, Justin Ong, Evan Timothy, Mark Siew, Izz, Jianwen, Nabil, and Syakir ... just name a few.
Fikri, GiLoCatur's eldest son will start his NJCC with black at Table #30 against Muhd Ariffuddin Junaidi.

R1 pairings - the Girls category
Amira Shahmina, Cikgu Zull's youngest daughter, is the top seed in the Girls category. She will be challenged by the likes of Sarika Subramaniam who is in top form GiLoCatur's believe, Puteri Rifqah, WFM Nur Najiha and the Hong sisters - Winnie and Vickie. Or would it be other player who will take center stage? Anis Fariha, GiLoCatur's daughter, will start as the 17th seed and with white play against the unrated Nurul Farhanum Md Rais.
Let's the game begin!!! Let's find out who will excel and who will stumble. Let's see who will smile and who will cry!!! Let's see the drama!!!
Source of the pairings : Mr Greg Lau of MCF, 15/12/2009, 9.00pm
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