In the on-going Singapore Chess Festival, about ten Under 12 years old Malaysian chess players are participating in the Commonwealth U12 age-group category. The group is led by the top seed, Tan Wei Hao (Elo 1870). Since it is a school holiday and Singapore is not far away, their parents have registered these young chess talents to have international chess tournament exposure.
GiLoCatur salutes such parents for their efforts and sacrifice to produce world-class beaters. GiLoCatur hopes that all parties take note of such effort in promoting and developing chess among the Malaysian youngsters.
So, who are the ten chess players?
Tan Wei Hao
Muhammad Nuriman Yahaya
Subramaniam Sivanesan
Nithyalakshmi Sivanesan
Yap Wan Lin
Kelly Lim Pei Ying
Ian Teh Eu Shien
Wong Yinn Long
Wong Yi Chee
Dilwen Ding Tze How
These Malaysian future chess hopefuls are currently playing in the fourth round that just began about half-hour ago. How they fared so far?
Three of them - Wei Hao, Nuriman and Wan Lin had perfect two points going into the third round this morning. Unfortunately, only Wei Hao managed to win while the other two lost to their respective opponents as per the above Round 3 results.
Who else winning? Only Wong Yi Chee. The rest just had a draw. Not a bad results actually for the ten Malaysian chess juniors - One with the perfect 3/3 who has the best chance to be the champion, the other four with 2/3, the other three has 1.5/3 and the other two has 1/3.
So, come on Malaysian juniors! Show your capability and prowess in chess. MALAYSIA BOLEH!
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