sparring session

Roslan Sulaiman, kembali aktif dalam catur. Merupakan setiausaha Persatuan Catur Sabak Bernam (PCSB). GiLoCatur mula mengenali beliau sewaktu MBSA Open.
Kepada peminat2 catur di daerah Sabak Bernam dan sekitar Sungai Besar, jangan segan silu menghubungi beliau (012-661 1569) untuk "pekena" sepapan dua di "port catur" selalu beliau berada. Dan jangan lupa untuk mendaftar sebagai ahli PCSB!

Cikgu Hashim, Malaysian style of chess!

Nas (right), the owner of Kedai Makan Nasi Padang near Sungai Panjang traffic light, Sungai Besar, a chess hang out in the area. GiLoCatur kena 3 - 0 dengan beliau malam tu. (:-

Shamsuddin aka fireyrook, one of the uprising Malaysian chess bloggers.

Ooops! Depa tak main catur pun, tengah syok main gameboy. Would they be close like this when they are grown up? Hope they will cherish such moment in the future. Friendship due to chess. GiLoCatur took the above picture as Cikgu Sufi showed the picture of her daughter, Amira, and Syakir and Nabil while they were young as one of the teams participating in Astro Team chess tournament.
New Year Count Down - 60 minute!
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